Repair, Remediation or Upgrade Controls

The conduct or repair, remediation or upgrade works to hydraulic or wet fire protection systems, is subject to State imposed planning controls, under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and the Local Government Planning and Assessment Act, along with utility-imposed requirements of Sydney Water, Hunter Water or Fire & Rescue NSW.

Ensuring the conduct of works at a property adhere to imposed planning controls is fundamental to ensuring long term building compliance without compromise that may otherwise impact the validity of property insurance policies.

The attainment of the required planning approvals for the conduct of works also affords property owners safeguards, through legislative mechanisms such as the Home Building Compensation Fund.

Industry accreditation, industry awareness and reliance on accredited external certifiers in fields outside hydraulics, affords accuracy in advice to stake holders on the relevance of planning controls specific to the conduct of hydraulic works.

Further guidance and assistance is provided throughout the pre-project planning and remediation project implementation stages with the NSW Planning portal to ensure all planning approval documentation is accurately and correctly catalogued.

Statutory Compliance Assessments

Analysing design, installation, and performance against regulatory requirements to identify the extent of defects within hydraulic and wet fire systems

Water Entry Mitigation Assessments

Integrated technical knowledge in the specialist fields of hydraulics, external waterproofing & building construction

Investigations and Performance

Utilising hydraulic specific investigatory, testing, and monitoring equipment to forensically substantiate service performance deficiencies or compliance failures

Hydraulic Design and Project Management

Delivering expert advice and detailed regulated Hydraulic and Fire Services Design documentation through our registered Design Practitioners and Principal Design Practitioners.

Statutory Compliance Assessments

Water Entry Mitigation Assessments

Investigations and Performance

Hydraulic Design and Project Management

Experts in Hydraulic and Wet Fire Service, Assessment, Design and Management

Experts in Hydraulic and Wet Fire Service, Assessment, Design and Management